Mission Music Foundation always has had high standards for our staff and volunteers. But no one wants to work in an unhealthy work environment. That is why this exists.
Our Ethics
- letting each other know what is going on so we can be understanding and effective.
-Staff and volunteers agree to communicate both needs and circumstances in effective manners.
-staff and volunteers agree to be responsive to telecommunication while maintaining a healthy lifestyle
-staff and volunteers agree and state to step away in moments they cannot speak effectively.
-staff and volunteers agree to hold their word when attending meetings and communicating issues that may arise
one of our most important values. Being empathetic is so crucial to what we do.
-staff and volunteers agree to use training to be empathetic both on and off our social media.
-staff and volunteers agree to actively listen to minority voices.
-staff and volunteers agree to hold space for EVERY voice.
-staff and volunteers agree to do regular work regarding advocacy for minorities.
-staff and volunteers will continue to educate themselves about ways to support both clients and themselves.
-staff and volunteers will agree to not using derogatory language for any minorities.
-staff and volunteers will agree to be educated and be consistently open to learning. (academic or otherwise)
-we expect staff and volunteers to hold confidentiality to the APA standards in regards to internal and external communication.
-we encourage staff and volunteers to hold different and unique values that align with themselves more, while understanding and supporting Mission Music Foundation’s values and ethics.
-we aim to hold conversations and space for different personalities Mental Health.
-staff and Volunteers are expected to take care of their own mental health to the best of their ability and reach out for help in the event they are in crisis.
-Mission Music Foundation believes that Mental health is just as important as physical health. We will provide as many accommodations as necessary to support this. It is the staff/volunteer’s duty, to ask for these supportive changes.
-staff and volunteers are to follow training protocols when a client reaches out for support. If unsure, ask someone who knows more.
-staff and volunteers are to fill out the appropriate paperwork for mental health topics with clients.
-staff and volunteers will not act as therapists or licensed professionals, but as emotional supporters and will refer to networks and resources if necessary.
-staff and volunteers agree to providing informed consent when filling out paperwork with a client.
-staff and volunteers agree to understand the meaning of consent and not start or promote non-consensual activities (sexual or not).
This includes anything from a high-five, fist bump, to hugs, kisses, and further sexual activity. This can also include pushing someone to go on a rollercoaster that they really do not want to. Mission Music Foundation believes that consent goes further than sex.
-staff and volunteers agree to believe themselves to be capable of their work with the nonprofit.
-staff and volunteers will not service people who are unable to make a full informed decision on their own.
If a non-verbal person is able to communicate to you (via technology), they can make a decision on their own. But a person speaking on behalf of another person in a coma (with certain exceptions), is not who we service.
Exceptions include:
Instances of death
Where legal paperwork including Power of Attorney is involved
When court ordered or requested
-staff and volunteers agree to not hold sexual relationships with each other. This includes but is not limited to:
Sexual remarks
electronic requests of sexual natured events (sexting, plans for sex, dating apps)
-staff and volunteers are to prevent and/or call out abusive behaviors including but not limited to:
Physical assault
Lack of empathy
Mental and/or emotional abusive tactics
Toxic masculinity
Toxic positivity
Mission Music is nothing without a little fun and music. However, it is important that we avoid using fun and music in negative manners that can damage another person.
- staff and volunteers agree to calling out band members and artists that have previously taken advantage of others.
This means Mission Music Foundation always believe the survivor unless evidence comes out saying otherwise. As a representative of Mission Music Foundation, you are expected to do the same.
- staff and volunteers will encourage healthy, lighthearted and fun conversations and banter.
-staff and volunteers agree to use their music (if applicable) as healthy outlets and not to bully anyone.
- staff and volunteers agree to be inclusive with their enjoyments in life.